• Green Meadow Memorials LLC

    Green Meadow Memorials LLC


    Funeral Homes/Cremation

    About Us

    Founded with the purpose of making a difficult purchase easier, Green Meadow Memorialsstrives to offer a curated collection of quality, affordable and highly personalizable cremation urns. Each product offered has been built to custom specifications to ensure that that it is attractive, durable and is best in its class. This select catalog is not the only that makes Green Meadow Memorials the best place to shop for urns online, however.

    ''It is incredible that you are asked to pay $40 to $80 dollars for engraving or other personalization that you can't even preview on the product,'' says Marketing Director Nat Juchems. ''We've worked hard to build a proprietary solution that allows you to see what you are paying for right on the urn you are buying. When you check out you'll know just what you are getting and we can put it into production immediately and without delay.''

    That game changing technology gives Green Meadow the fastest turn around time in the industry despite the fact it also allows the most flexibility as well. Custom poems, engraving on the back of the urn, and many more options are unique to their website.

    Green Meadow is also proud of their line of wooden urns. Designed and constructed by domestic craftsmen or armed services veterans, these premium wood urns are an unmatched value and worthy of becoming a family heirloom for future generations.

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